ukraine needs
your help, make
it happen!

Ukraine and our charity are struggling to get your support. We feel people are getting tired of the conflict, Russia has start taking more ukrainian ground because of this. Many of you feel the aid from the US and European governments is enough to win this war, but it’s only really enough to prelong the war and maybe delay Russia invading more into Ukraine.

This is a war which has evolved from normal warfare, where a non-military-spec drone can locate enemy threats and save many innocent lives. 

Organisations like ours we liken to the 1940 Dunkirk Flotilla of WWII. We and the many little boats like us give combined support to the many. We give specific aid to specialists operating in Ukraine who are in desperate need, where aid packages from governements fall short. 

Please help us to act on your behalf to help the innocent citizens of Ukraine.

Donate £25 or more for a free Ukraine Lapel Pin

Keep this pin and wear it with pride knowing you did a good thing and helped the innocent Ukrainians survive this unjust war. Please notify us at:

Solar Generators
0 +
Trauma Kits
0 +
Military Optics
£ 0 K
Money Raised
£ 0 +

CARES DIRECTOR John Banaszkiewicz with the children in Ukraine

Why we started the Charity - Our Mission

During the early stages of the war, we journeyed to Ukraine where we were deeply touched by the courage and bravery exhibited by the Ukrainian people. The condition of the medical care in the region was especially disheartening, and we felt an urgent need to help them.

That’s how and when CARES UKRAINE was born, and we are proud to say that our supporters have contributed a staggering amount of over £250,000 towards aiding Ukraine. In order to help others understand the war in Ukraine we even went the extra mile and produced an impactful mini-documentary that captures the relentless brutality of this major war in Europe.

Our goal is to keep interest in as many people as possible and rally support towards helping Ukrainians fight for thier countries survival. Our strategy is simple and effective; we strive to deliver direct relief to these resilient communities reducing any involvement of middlemen or expensive administrative costs. 

With your continued backing, we will strive to offer humanitarian aid to those in need. Together, let’s say Slava Ukraini and make a meaningful difference! Please, Please don’t delay donate today!


Delivery of Ambulance

We are delighted to announce that our last Ambulance, which had been stuck in documentation processing at the Polish border, has finally been liberated and delivered to our friends in Ukraine. It is now saving the lives of their brave soldiers operating on the front lines somewhere in the region of Kharkiv.  It’s our great hope that this vehicle will survive the war and save many lives. We also delivered some power supplies and drone parts to the army. 

Video - MM-Rescue

Ukraine Cares aims to help as many individuals affected by the war in Ukraine as possible. Here, we assist a front-line medical team that treats both military personnel and civilians.

I thank Cares Ukraine for giving us back hope and the Possibility to Save Lives - MM RESCUE


Mobile Medical (MM) Rescue

We at CARES Ukraine help support teams of Nurses, Doctors, Trauma Surgeons and anaesthesiologists who provide medical care and medical evacuations for front-line civilians or injured troops. The volunteers unit consist of dedicated medical professionals from Ukraine and the EU who operate in the most basic facilities behind the front battle lines. The teams perform dangerous medical frontline response with very limited resources, often using civilian vehicles that normally have a short life expectancy. The medical team treats an average of 500 priority red casevacs per month, these are critical injuries requiring immediate life or death attention.

At CARES UKRAINE we supply these medical units with essential equipment such as pressure bandages, tourniquets, clotting agents, and other critical supplies to treat trauma injuries. CARES UKRAINE provides essential first aid for both for soldiers as well as civilians which is why our medical units can’t get support with first aid from the Red Cross.

Join the humanitarian effort to make a difference in the lives of those on the front lines and civilians affected by the war.

Fire Engines for Ukraine

We are appealing to you for our Fire engines In Solidarity project, a new initiative set up
by us, to raise funds to purchase second hand fire engines for the valiant Ukrainian
fire & rescue service.

We have come up with this idea because we believe we can help and support the
Ukrainian firefighters in their battle. As an example, the fire engine above costs £7000
with all the necessary equipment.

I am asking if you can fund one of them, or if you wish to contribute with your
donation, to help us buying a fire engine or firefighting and medical equipment. We
need this as there are some small villages in the Donbas region which are 2 to 3 hours
away from the main centres, and sometimes it can be too late for them when the
rescue teams arrive.



follow us... from Burnley to Bakhmut

Our first visit to Ukraine was in late spring 2023. The expedition was to deliver vital humanitarian aid and our first armoured ambulance to the front line at Bakhmut, a city that was under heavy assault from the PMC Wagner millitary forces. 

We journeyed from Burnley in Lancashire and across from Britain through Europe and into Ukraine.  Please watch our short film and share in our experience and witness the resilience and bravery of the Ukrainian people.

To the many heroes we met on this journey, we support their fight against tyranny. Please give generously.


Everything we sell in our shop, the profits go towards our charity


INDEPENDENT YouTube correspondents

Find out the latest updates for Ukraine with these correspondents

Please Note: has no affiliation with any vlogger / reporter, but has linked these YouTube channels for our donors to keep in touch with the current situation in occupied Ukraine.

We aim to deliver safe and effective aid to the Ukrainian army and civilians by providing resources and supplies. Our goal is to support those fighting for their freedom and assist civilians affected by the ongoing conflict.
